I have a lot of respect for people who share the messy parts of their life with such honesty. I'm failing too after a recent redundancy. Good luck getting back...

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Thanks for sharing John, and sorry to hear about the recent layoff. I’ve been laid off four times in a row, and am intimately familiar with how disruptive it can be. Embrace the downtime while you have it

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As a fellow failure this was a great read. The best part about failing is that eventually, no matter how long or what systems it takes, you are being provided a path to success. I can't wait to see you run that trail bud!

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Such a valuable read Jon, and so full of hope. You're a great example and reminder of the most important thing: to get back on the horse. Or as you so accurately put it: "There are high stakes things that I cannot, and am not, failing at". I'm certain you will not and we will all witness it!

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